Clearhead's Wellbeing Themes 2024

Welcome to our calendar for 2024. These are the themes related to mental health that we will be focusing on this year. If there are any topics that you feel would benefit your team that aren't in the calendar, please feel free to reach out to with any suggestions! We are constantly adding to our resource library and would love to hear from you.

Theme: Purpose & Belonging

Description: At the beginning of a new year, many people reflect on their life's purpose and where they belong. During a time period of new year's resolutions and big promises, it's an ideal time to inspire your team to connect their inner selves and work out what will truly make them happy and what they want to achieve this year.

Theme: Relationships

February is a time to focus on the important relationships in our life and celebrate events like Valentine's Day. We'll be talking about all kinds of relationships, whether they be familial, platonic, LGBTQ+, professional, etc, and delving into how we can better invest in the people we love the most.

Theme: Work-Life Integration

This month's theme focuses on how to create balance amongst your personal life and your work life. Together we will address how to set clear boundaries between the two, and how to stick to them - especially when dealing with hybrid workplaces.

Upcoming Themes:

We'll have more details about these themes coming soon.