Kia Ora - whatever you are seeking coaching for know that it is normal. You are human and with that comes the complexity of life itself. At some point we all need a helping hand to be the best version of ourselves. After spending a lifetime supporting friends and family to achieve their personal goals it felt natural to me that I should become Certified to help many others. Health Coaching enables the coach and client to work together to unpack areas of lifestyle concerns and collaboratively put together a plan at the clients pace supported by the coach. Advanced Mental Health Coach - supports patients with mild to moderate mental health & addition concerns. It is with both Health & Mental Health coaching I am able provide a holistic approach to my clients journey to wellbeing. The Science of Menopause (Wendy Sweet Program for Health Coaches) - helping woman at this time of life is essential to the happiness of the individual and their families. PQ Intelligence Online Program - Is your mind constantly sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness? All your negative emotions, including stress, are the result of self sabotage. Boost Performance, Improve Wellbeing & Strengthen Relationships with this online tool.
PreKure Certified Health Coach & Advanced Mental Health Coach,Menopause Coach,PQ Intelligence Program Provider