Kia ora, I am a clinical psychologist practicing in Tamaki Makaurau and online. I hold a respectful, warm and supportive therapeutic environment to support you with making long term changes to live a life that is meaningful for you. I am an experienced practitioner working with young people, new parents or those processing their birth experiences, and those going through transition periods in their life. I have specialist knowledge in addictions and with supporting individuals and whanau who are impacted by their loved ones substance use. I use evidence based practice in my work to support my clients, with a background in cognitive behavioural therapies, acceptance and commitment therapy, schema therapy, and DBT informed therapy. Before our initial consult, I will often offer a brief phone call to see whether we would be a good fit. This is free of charge. Please note that as an online private practitioner I cannot hold high levels of risk of harm to self or from others and will offer suggestions for where you may be able to find support for this level of need. Private initial assessments are $200 for an hour and follow up therapy sessions are $180 for a 50 minute session.
Doctor of Clinical Psychology - University of Auckland; Honors degree in Psychology with first class hons; Conjoint Bachelor of Science and Health Sciences